Holy Bible

Ezekiel Attached Contents

Ezekiel Attached Contents

Ezekiel 1

[1]1:3 Or Chaldeans

[2]1:24 Hebrew Shaddai

Ezekiel 2

[3]2:1 The Hebrew phrase ben adam means human being. The phrase son of man is retained as a form of address here and throughout Ezekiel because of its possible association with “Son of Man” in the New Testament.

Ezekiel 3

[4]3:12 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; Masoretic Text sound—may the glory of the LORD be praised from his place

[5]3:18 Or in; also in verses 19 and 20

Ezekiel 4

[6]4:4 Or upon your side

[7]4:10 That is, about 8 ounces or about 230 grams

[8]4:11 That is, about 2/3 quart or about 0.6 liter

[9]4:17 Or away in

Ezekiel 5

[10]5:7 Most Hebrew manuscripts; some Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac You have

Ezekiel 6

[11]6:14 Most Hebrew manuscripts; a few Hebrew manuscripts Riblah

Ezekiel 7

[12]7:5 Most Hebrew manuscripts; some Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac Disaster after

[13]7:11 Or The violent one has become

Ezekiel 8

[14]8:2 Or saw a fiery figure

Ezekiel 10

[15]10:5 Hebrew El-Shaddai

[16]10:11 Or aside

Ezekiel 11

[17]11:24 Or Chaldea

Ezekiel 13

[18]13:3 Or wicked

[19]13:14 Or the city

Ezekiel 14

[20]14:14 Or Danel, a man of renown in ancient literature; also in verse 20

Ezekiel 16

[21]16:6 A few Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint and Syriac; most Hebrew manuscripts repeat and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!”

[22]16:16 The meaning of the Hebrew for this sentence is uncertain.

[23]16:29 Or Chaldea

[24]16:30 Or How feverish is your heart,

[25]16:57 Many Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac; most Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint and Vulgate Aram

Ezekiel 18

[26]18:10 Or things to a brother

Ezekiel 19

[27]19:7 Targum (see Septuagint); Hebrew He knew

[28]19:10 Two Hebrew manuscripts; most Hebrew manuscripts your blood

[29]19:14 Or from under its

Ezekiel 20

[30]20:29 Bamah means high place.

[31]20:40 Or and the gifts of your firstfruits

[32]20:49 In Hebrew texts 20:45–49 is numbered 21:1–5.

Ezekiel 21

[33]In Hebrew texts 21:1–32 is numbered 21:6–37.

[34]21:15 Septuagint; the meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

Ezekiel 22

[35]22:16 Or When I have allotted you your inheritance

[36]22:25 Septuagint; Hebrew prophets

Ezekiel 23

[37]23:14 Or Babylonians

[38]23:15 Or Babylonia; also in verse 16

[39]23:21 Syriac (see also verse 3); Hebrew caressed because of your young breasts

[40]23:24 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

Ezekiel 24

[41]24:23 Or away in

Ezekiel 26

[42]26:1 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; Masoretic Text does not have month of the twelfth.

[43]26:7 Hebrew Nebuchadrezzar, of which Nebuchadnezzar is a variant; here and often in Ezekiel and Jeremiah

[44]26:20 Septuagint; Hebrew return, and I will give glory

Ezekiel 27

[45]27:5 That is, Mount Hermon

[46]27:6 Targum; the Masoretic Text has a different division of the consonants.

[47]27:15 Septuagint; Hebrew Dedan

[48]27:16 Most Hebrew manuscripts; some Hebrew manuscripts and Syriac Edom

[49]27:17 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

Ezekiel 28

[50]28:3 Or Danel, a man of renown in ancient literature

[51]28:13 The precise identification of some of these precious stones is uncertain.

[52]28:13 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain.

Ezekiel 29

[53]29:7 Syriac (see also Septuagint and Vulgate); Hebrew and you caused their backs to stand

[54]29:10 That is, the upper Nile region

[55]29:21 Horn here symbolizes strength.

Ezekiel 30

[56]30:4 That is, the upper Nile region; also in verses 5 and 9

Ezekiel 32

[57]32:9 Hebrew; Septuagint bring you into captivity among the nations, / to

[58]32:27 Septuagint; Hebrew warriors who were uncircumcised

[59]32:27 Probable reading of the original Hebrew text; Masoretic Text punishment

Ezekiel 33

[60]33:8 Or in; also in verse 9

[61]33:10 Or away in

Ezekiel 34

[62]34:26 Or I will cause them and the places surrounding my hill to be named in blessings (see Gen. 48:20); or I will cause them and the places surrounding my hill to be seen as blessed

Ezekiel 37

[63]37:5 The Hebrew for this word can also mean wind or spirit (see verses 6–14).

[64]37:23 Many Hebrew manuscripts (see also Septuagint); most Hebrew manuscripts all their dwelling places where they sinned

Ezekiel 38

[65]38:2 Or the prince of Rosh,

[66]38:3 Or Gog, prince of Rosh,

[67]38:5 That is, the upper Nile region

[68]38:12 The Hebrew for this phrase means the navel of the earth.

[69]38:13 Or her strong lions

Ezekiel 39

[70]39:1 Or Gog, prince of Rosh,

[71]39:11 Hamon Gog means hordes of Gog.

[72]39:16 Hamonah means horde.

[73]39:25 Or now bring Jacob back from captivity

Ezekiel 40

[74]40:5 That is, about 11 feet or about 3.2 meters; also in verse 12. The long cubit of about 21 inches or about 53 centimeters is the basic unit of measurement of length throughout chapters 40–48.

[75]40:7 That is, about 8 3/4 feet or about 2.7 meters; also in verse 48

[76]40:8, 9 Many Hebrew manuscripts, Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; most Hebrew manuscripts gateway facing the temple; it was one rod deep. 9Then he measured the portico of the gateway; it

[77]40:9 That is, about 14 feet or about 4.2 meters

[78]40:9 That is, about 3 1/2 feet or about 1 meter

[79]40:11 That is, about 18 feet wide and 23 feet long or about 5.3 meters wide and 6.9 meters long

[80]40:13 That is, about 44 feet or about 13 meters; also in verses 21, 25, 29, 30, 33 and 36

[81]40:14 That is, about 105 feet or about 32 meters

[82]40:14 Septuagint; Hebrew projecting wall

[83]40:14 The meaning of the Hebrew for this verse is uncertain.

[84]40:15 That is, about 88 feet or about 27 meters; also in verses 21, 25, 29, 33 and 36

[85]40:19 That is, about 175 feet or about 53 meters; also in verses 23, 27 and 47

[86]40:37 Septuagint (see also verses 31 and 34); Hebrew jambs

[87]40:39 Or purification offerings

[88]40:42 That is, about 2 2/3 feet long and wide and 21 inches high or about 80 centimeters long and wide and 53 centimeters high

[89]40:43 That is, about 3 1/2 inches or about 9 centimeters

[90]40:44 Septuagint; Hebrew were rooms for singers, which were

[91]40:44 Septuagint; Hebrew east

[92]40:48 That is, about 25 feet or about 7.4 meters

[93]40:48 Septuagint; Hebrew entrance was

[94]40:48 That is, about 5 1/4 feet or about 1.6 meters

[95]40:49 That is, about 35 feet or about 11 meters

[96]40:49 Septuagint; Hebrew eleven

[97]40:49 That is, about 21 feet or about 6.4 meters

[98]40:49 Hebrew; Septuagint Ten steps led up to it

Ezekiel 41

[99]41:1 That is, about 11 feet or about 3.2 meters; also in verses 3, 5 and 8

[100]41:1 One Hebrew manuscript and Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts side, the width of the tent

[101]41:2 That is, about 18 feet or about 5.3 meters

[102]41:2 That is, about 8 3/4 feet or about 2.7 meters; also in verses 9, 11 and 12

[103]41:2 That is, about 70 feet long and 35 feet wide or about 21 meters long and 11 meters wide

[104]41:3 That is, about 3 1/2 feet or about 1.1 meters; also in verse 22

[105]41:3 That is, about 12 feet or about 3.7 meters

[106]41:5 That is, about 7 feet or about 2.1 meters

[107]41:12 That is, about 123 feet or about 37 meters

[108]41:12 That is, about 158 feet or about 48 meters

[109]41:13 That is, about 175 feet or about 53 meters; also in verses 14 and 15

[110]41:22 That is, about 5 1/4 feet or about 1.5 meters

[111]41:22 Septuagint; Hebrew long

[112]41:22 Septuagint; Hebrew length

Ezekiel 42

[113]42:2 That is, about 175 feet long and 88 feet wide or about 53 meters long and 27 meters wide

[114]42:3 That is, about 35 feet or about 11 meters

[115]42:4 Septuagint and Syriac; Hebrew and one cubit

[116]42:4 That is, about 18 feet wide and 175 feet long or about 5.3 meters wide and 53 meters long

[117]42:10 Septuagint; Hebrew Eastward

[118]42:13 Or purification offerings

[119]42:16 See Septuagint of verse 17; Hebrew rods; also in verses 18 and 19.

[120]42:16 Five hundred cubits equal about 875 feet or about 265 meters; also in verses 17, 18 and 19.

[121]42:17 Septuagint; Hebrew rods

Ezekiel 43

[122]43:3 Some Hebrew manuscripts and Vulgate; most Hebrew manuscripts I

[123]43:7 Or the memorial monuments; also in verse 9

[124]43:7 Or their high places

[125]43:11 Some Hebrew manuscripts and Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts regulations and its whole design

[126]43:13 That is, about 21 inches or about 53 centimeters; also in verses 14 and 17. The long cubit is the basic unit for linear measurement throughout Ezekiel 40–48.

[127]43:13 That is, about 11 inches or about 27 centimeters

[128]43:14 That is, about 3 1/2 feet high and 1 3/4 feet wide or about 105 centimeters high and 53 centimeters wide

[129]43:14 That is, about 7 feet high and 1 3/4 feet wide or about 2.1 meters high and 53 centimeters wide

[130]43:16 That is, about 21 feet or about 6.4 meters

[131]43:17 That is, about 25 feet or about 7.4 meters

[132]43:17 That is, about 11 inches or about 27 centimeters

[133]43:19 Or purification offering; also in verses 21, 22 and 25

Ezekiel 44

[134]44:27 Or purification offering; also in verse 29

[135]44:29 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the LORD.

Ezekiel 45

[136]45:1 That is, about 8 miles or about 13 kilometers; also in verses 3, 5 and 6

[137]45:1 Septuagint (see also verses 3 and 5 and 48:9); Hebrew 10,000

[138]45:1 That is, about 6 1/2 miles or about 11 kilometers

[139]45:2 That is, about 875 feet or about 265 meters

[140]45:2 That is, about 88 feet or about 27 meters

[141]45:3 That is, about 3 1/3 miles or about 5.3 kilometers; also in verse 5

[142]45:5 Septuagint; Hebrew temple; they will have as their possession 20 rooms

[143]45:6 That is, about 1 2/3 miles or about 2.7 kilometers

[144]45:10 An ephah was a dry measure having the capacity of about 3/5 bushel or about 22 liters.

[145]45:10 A bath was a liquid measure equaling about 6 gallons or about 22 liters.

[146]45:12 A shekel weighed about 2/5 ounce or about 12 grams.

[147]45:12 That is, 60 shekels; the common mina was 50 shekels. Sixty shekels were about 1 1/2 pounds or about 690 grams.

[148]45:13 That is, probably about 6 pounds or about 2.7 kilograms

[149]45:13 That is, probably about 5 pounds or about 2.3 kilograms

[150]45:14 That is, about 2 1/2 quarts or about 2.2 liters

[151]45:17 Or purification offerings; also in verses 19, 22, 23 and 25

[152]45:24 That is, about 1 gallon or about 3.8 liters

Ezekiel 46

[153]46:5 That is, probably about 35 pounds or about 16 kilograms; also in verses 7 and 11

[154]46:5 That is, about 1 gallon or about 3.8 liters; also in verses 7 and 11

[155]46:14 That is, probably about 6 pounds or about 2.7 kilograms

[156]46:14 That is, about 1 1/2 quarts or about 1.3 liters

[157]46:20 Or purification offering

[158]46:22 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain.

[159]46:22 That is, about 70 feet long and 53 feet wide or about 21 meters long and 16 meters wide

Ezekiel 47

[160]47:3 That is, about 1,700 feet or about 530 meters

[161]47:8 Or the Jordan Valley

[162]47:15, 16 See Septuagint and 48:1; Hebrew road to go into Zedad, 16Hamath, Berothah.

[163]47:17 Hebrew Enon, a variant of Enan

[164]47:18 See Syriac; Hebrew Israel. You will measure to the Dead Sea.

Ezekiel 48

[165]48:8 That is, about 8 miles or about 13 kilometers; also in verses 9, 10, 13, 15, 20 and 21

[166]48:9 That is, about 3 1/3 miles or about 5.3 kilometers; also in verses 10, 13 and 18

[167]48:15 That is, about 1 2/3 miles or about 2.7 kilometers

[168]48:16 That is, about 1 1/2 miles or about 2.4 kilometers; also in verses 30, 32, 33 and 34

[169]48:17 That is, about 440 feet or about 135 meters

[170]48:35 That is, about 6 miles or about 9.5 kilometers