Holy Bible

Alphabetical Order of the Books of the Bible

The books of the New Testament are indicated by italics.

    1. Acts
    2. Amos
      1. 1 Chronicles
      2. 2 Chronicles
      3. Colossians
      4. 1 Corinthians
      5. 2 Corinthians
      1. Daniel
      2. Deuteronomy
      1. Ecclesiastes
      2. Ephesians
      3. Esther
      4. Exodus
      5. Ezekiel
      6. Ezra
        1. Galatians
        2. Genesis
        1. Habakkuk
        2. Haggai
        3. Hebrews
        4. Hosea
        1. Isaiah
        1. James
        2. Jeremiah
        3. Job
        4. Joel
        5. John
        6. 1 John
        7. 2 John
        8. 3 John
        9. Jonah
        10. Joshua
        11. Jude
        12. Judges
        1. 1 Kings
        2. 2 Kings
        1. Lamentations
        2. Leviticus
        3. Luke
        1. Malachi
        2. Mark
        3. Matthew
        4. Micah
        1. Nahum
        2. Nehemiah
        3. Numbers
        1. Obadiah
        1. 1 Peter
        2. 2 Peter
        3. Philemon
        4. Philippians
        5. Proverbs
        6. Psalms
          1. Revelation
          2. Romans
          3. Ruth
          1. 1 Samuel
          2. 2 Samuel
          3. Song of Songs
          1. 1 Thessalonians
          2. 2 Thessalonians
          3. 1 Timothy
          4. 2 Timothy
          5. Titus
                    1. Zechariah
                    2. Zephaniah